
Born on May 3, 1979 in Waiblingen

1999 high school diploma in Stuttgart

2000 photo assistant for various German advertising photographers

In 2002 the enthusiasm for dental technology begins

Since 2003 speaker in the field of dental photography & documentation

2007 Master’s degree „Therapy of the dysfunctional chewing organ“ in Vienna

Since 2009 intern. Speaker and lecturer at Steinbeis University Berlin & Stuttgart in the field of diagnostic wax-up and definitive reconstruction (www.bid.or.at)

Since 2011 dental technician in the „Praxis im Calwerturm“ / Stuttgart (www.praxis-im-calwerturm.de)

  • 8h practical course

    on demand online waxup course

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    on demand online waxup course
  • 2h On-Demand Webinar Part 4

    Slavicek Concept in digital dentistry

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    Slavicek Concept in digital dentistry
  • 2h On-Demand Webinar Part 1

    Basic Principles of Slaviceks concept

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    Basic Principles of Slaviceks concept

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